BodyTalk for Business and Organizations - Organization Dynamics
#Conscious Business
​ Testimonial, Deborah, NY --- "The BodyTalk did it." After months of having a stalemate and less than effective communication, the partners finally decided. Only one session. Thank you. And we need to do another one."
Applicable for:
Family Businesses
Teens, University Students & School
Focus and Performance.
Adaptability at School
Students/ recent graduates
Career Development
Professional Team Sports
Hobbies and Teams
Other group related organizations
Professionals of all types
Political Groups/Parties
What can it do for you?
Enhancing communication within group and family
Integration of new leadership
Team efficiency
Increase productive efficiency
Let go of any limiting group-related belief systems and individual belief systems.
Relationship between co-workers
The health of the organization, vitality
Balancing to the business environment, perceived competition, politics, or other environmental factors
Addressing the structure, or the new structure of an organization
Leading with change; adapting to change
More, depending on the goals of the organization
Interesting example: Sports clubs have worked with BodyTalk Practitioners to improve the team's synchronicity and enhance communication between coach and players. Working with BodyTalk for teams and groups has resulted in a dramatic improvement in overall performance.
Specific sessions can be tailor-made, for example, to integrate a new player into the team to adapt to the change more quickly, which results in enhanced performance for both the individual and the team. We apply the same principles to "groups or team" members in a corporation, classroom, association, or family group.